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LMN icon section bulletLemon Myrtle Soap


As an older person who has been buying your Lemon Myrtle Soap for years I am extremely pleased to see that you have changed your packaging. Before, just with the paper wrapping around the centre, the soap often was damaged slightly at the edges. But now the box is attractive, quite presentable, nice enough to give away as a gift. I use 3 cakes of soap aprox. per fortnight, maybe more, because I am anti chemical, try to use natural products at all times including buying from fresh food markets and little shops, which existed long before these dreadful shopping complexes. So I use your soap for washing, cleaning, laundry, bathroom, just about everything.
Pat B, Sydney NSW

 My dad bought me and my sisters a bar of Lemon Myrtle Soap each as a wee present when he was on a trip to Australia. It is remarkable. I was bitten by midgies (flies) around the horses when I was younger and they resulted in leaving marks on my arms, I have had them for over 7 years, nothing has helped them heal... I am 21 now and always dreaded having photos taken if my arms were in the shot and always wore tops that would cover them up! After one week of using this amazing soap daily, they have greatly healed! They are barely even noticeable any more. My confidence has grown, and I have complete faith that it is the Lemon Myrtle Soap that has done the healing. It is the best present anyone could get, who knew soap could help so much! I thanked my dad, so found this website to thank you. I look forward to summer and being able to finally show off my beautiful arms.
Hopefully you deliver to Scotland, if not I'll book a trip to Australia when there is a shortage of soap!
Fiona R, Scotland

Just a quick note to say thank you, for a truly great product. I recently purchased your Lemon Myrtle Soap, and never have I used such a lovely product, the smell is just lush, and the way it leaves your skin feeling so soft and refreshed, I love it. Please never stop making this product, I would be interested in knowing how I could purchase this soap in bulk!!!(just in case you stop making it)...
thanking you...
Lynnette ,

I have finally succumbed and shouted myself a cake of your Lemon Myrtle Soap (after spending months smelling it when I went shopping). I love it, in fact it is the loveliest soap I have ever had, which is saying a lot as I am 65 this year and have tried dozens of soaps.  Thank you.
Barbara T, Thornbury VIC

For as long as I can remember, I have suffered from a form of dermatitis on my feet that resulted in extreme dryness and inflammation, and resisted all prescription medication. I recently began washing my feet with the Rainforest Remedies Lemon Myrtle bar soap and rubbing diluted Rainforest Remedies Lemon Myrtle essential oil on once a day. Within a week the dryness had almost entirely disappeared, and continued use of the Rainforest Remedies products has meant that the symptoms have not reappeared. I am extremely happy with the results and would gladly recommend my 'miracle cure' to anyone.
Thank you.
Anna S, Brisbane QLD

 'For a number of years I have had a terrible itch around my ankles and knees that resulted in lots of little lumps all over them. After using the Lemon Myrtle soap for about a week it has all disappeared. I can't thank you enough. The soap is lovely to use on my skin and the fragrance is beautiful'.
P K, Byron Bay NSW

I am writing to you re your product “Lemon Myrtle Soap”. I have been using it for sometime now, and am extremely happy with it. My husband, a diabetic, has had an on going problem with skin infections becoming abscesses, and cuts and scratches becoming inflamed. As long as he uses the soap, he is ok. I also have problems with skin fungal infections under breasts and tummy. (I am a large lady!) Using the soap has eliminated the problem for me. It is cheaper and more effective than ointments, creams etc.

My daughter uses it for herself and two children. She is sensitive to most skin products, and the children are troubled with eczema. However your soap does not cause any problems, and has the added advantage of preventing the children’s cuts and scratches from becoming infected. I want to congratulate you on making such an excellent product. Thank you
Heather M., Victoria. 


LMN icon section bulletLemon Myrtle Derma Intensive Skin Cream


I have to tell you the Lemon Myrtle product is a wonder product and the Derma intensive skin cream is a miracle cream – my 7 year old son has Molluscum Contagious, I took him to a local Doctor here in Singapore and he advised me they only way to get rid of them is to burn them off...he had them on his torso and on his arms, especially on his elbows...then the Doctor told us he would have them for the rest of his life and basically there was nothing we could do... I went home and jumped straight onto the internet and found testimonials from other people about lemon myrtle, hence I ordered the oil and the Derma skin intensive cream. The molluscum contagious was creating eczema on his torso, so I would mix the lemon myrtle oil with olive oil and apply to the ‘angry’ molluscum’s, which was helpful, but when I started using the derma cream twice a day, morning and at night, they have all but one or two, disappeared after about 6 weeks...and he has not had any angry ones for about 6 weeks... Thank you so much for a wonderful product...and your kindness.
Helen K, ACT Singapore

I have tried your product "Lemon Myrtle Derma Intensive skin cream" for relief of Dermatitis, Eczema & Psoriasis",which a friend got it for me in a roadshow. I feel really great. It not only reliefs my itchy skin and just within a month, my hard dried reddish skin became soft again. I am wondering where I can get this product in Hong Kong, and together, I would like to try your other product too.
Joseph T, Hong Kong

LMN icon section bulletFoaming Lemon Myrtle Soap


I am writing to you regarding the Foaming Lemon Myrtle Soap that you manufacture. My 15 year old son has a rare genetic skin condition called ichthyosis, a symptom of which is dry scaly skin which is difficult for him to remove as it does not naturally exfoliate. All his life we have tried various moisturisers, oils, exfoliating gloves etc with little success. I am pleased to be able to say that after using your product with a scrubbing brush in the shower for the past six weeks he is a different boy. His skin now looks clean and 'Normal'. He is maintaining his skin independently and even uses it in his hair. He finds the fragrance uplifting, as does my whole family. We live in a small town in the Noosa Hinterland and I will be attempting to buy your soap here. Thank you for a wonderful product.
Gillian R, Cooroy

LMN icon section bulletLemon Myrtle Hand Cream


I am writing to let you know how thrilled I am with your Lemon Myrtle hand cream, which after using for only three days has cleared up my dermatitis. I have been battling with the condition for around four weeks now, and used everything from propolis to steroid cream as I was so desperate. My offending hand has gone from being red, itchy, scaly with small cuts where the skin had cracked through dryness and scratching, to completely recovered! This product should, in my humble opinion, be available on prescription.  As a result I am now stocking the range within my holistic therapy business.  Many thanks
Jennifer S, UK


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